Is Your Check Card Covered for Overdrafts? You have a choice to make about how to manage your overdraft coverage
Currently your checking account is covered by our standard overdraft procedures. That means that we may authorize and pay ATM and everyday Check Card transactions, even though you do not have enough money in your account to cover the transaction.
Beginning August 15, 2010, new regulations imposed by Congress will require us to decline these transactions unless you “opt-in” to our courtesy overdraft service. We offer this service as a safety net for our customers and we charge our customary overdraft fee of $35.00 for the service.
You can authorize us to continue paying your ATM and Check Card transactions caused by unforeseen emergencies, etc., even when they cause an overdraft to your account, if you wish. All overdrafts should be repaid immediately.
If you have previously opted out and wish to authorize us to continue paying your ATM and Check Card transactions caused by unforeseen emergencies, etc., even when they cause an overdraft to your account, you may do so by filling out the opt-in form.